塔罗测试英语 塔罗牌占卜英语

最后更新 :2022.12.07 12:03

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The tarot (/ˈtæroʊ/; first known as trionfi and later as tarocchi, tarock, and others) is a pack of playing cards (most commonly numbering 78), used from the mid-15th century in various parts of Europe to play a group of card games such as Italian tarocchini and French tarot. From the late 18th century until the present time the tarot has also found use by mystics and occultists in efforts at divination or as a map of mental and spiritual pathways.






英 [ˌdɪvɪˈneɪʃn],美 [ˌdɪvɪˈneɪʃn] 。


It is practicing two things that are forbidden and condemned: divination and necromancy.







英 [dɪ'vaɪnə],美 [də'vaɪnɚ]。


For example, if a person has died mysteriously, the diviner is supposed to be able to tell when, where, and how the person died.



The Fool Upright: New beginnings, new adventures, new opportunities, unlimited possibilities, pleasure, passion, thoughtlessness, rashness

Reverse: A bad decision, indecision, apathy, hesitation, a faulty choice

The Magician Upright: Originality, creativity, skill, will-power, self confidence, dexterity, sleight of hand

Reverse: Weakness in will, insecurity, delay, no imagination

The High Priestess Upright: Wisdom, knowledge, learning, intuition, purity, virtue, a lack of patience, a teacher

Reverse: Ignorance, lack of understanding, selfishness, shallowness

The Empress Upright: Action, development, accomplishment, mother/sister/wife, evolution

Reverse: Vacillation, inaction, lack on concentration, indecision, anxiety, infidelity

The Emperor Upright: Accomplishment, confidence, wealth, stability, leadership, father/brother/husband, achievement, a capable person

Reverse: Immaturity, indecision, feebleness, petty emotions, lack of strength

The Hierophant Upright: A need to conform, social approval, bonded to the conventions of society

Reverse: Unconventionality, unorthodoxy, an inventor


Upright: Mercy, kindness, forgiveness, compassion, conformity, a sense of historical importance, inspiration

Reverse: Foolish generosity, errors are repeated, impotence, vulnerability, frailty, unorthodoxy

The Lovers Upright: Love, harmony, trust, honor, the beginning of a romance, optimism, a meaningful relationship/affair

Reverse: Unreliability, separation, frustration in love, fickleness, untrustworthy

The Chariot Upright: Perseverance, a journey, a rushed decision, adversity, turmoil, vengeance

Reverse: Unsuccessful, defeat, failure, last minute loss, vanquishment

Strength Upright: Strength, courage, conviction, energy, determination, action, heroism, virility

Reverse: Weakness, pettiness, sickness, tyranny, lack of faith, abuse of power

The Hermit Upright: Counsel, inner strength, prudence, caution, vigilance, patience, withdrawal, annulment, a loner

Reverse: Imprudence, hastiness, rashness, foolish acts, immaturity

The Wheel of Fortune Upright: Destiny, fortune, a special gain, an unusual loss, end of a problem, unexpected events, advancement, progress

Reverse: Failure, bad luck, interruption, outside influences, bad fate, unexpected events

Justice Upright: Harmony, balance, equality, righteousness, virtue, honor, advice, a considerate person

Reverse: Bias, false accusations, intolerance, unfairness, abuse

The Hanged Man Upright: Suspension, change, reversal, boredom, abandonment, sacrifice, readjustment, improvement, rebirth

Reverse: Unwillingness to make an effort, false prophecy, useless sacrifice

Death Upright: Transformation, making way for the new, unexpected change, loss, failure, illness or death, bad luck

Reverse: Stagnation, immobility, slow changes, a narrow escape, cheating death

Temperance Upright: Moderation, temperance, patience, harmony, fusion, good influence, confidence

Reverse: Discord, conflict, disunion, hostility, frustration, impatience

The Devil Upright: Ravage, weird or strange experience, downfall, unexpected failure, controversy, violence, disaster, an ill-tempered person

Reverse: Divorce, release, handicaps are overcome, enlightenment

The Tower Upright: A sudden change, abandonment of past, ending a friendship, unexpected events, disruption, bankruptcy, downfall, loss of money or security

Reverse: Following old ways, a rut, entrapment, caught in a bad situation, imprisonment

The Star Upright: Hope, faith, inspiration, optimism, insight, spiritual love, pleasure, balance

Reverse: Unfulfilled hopes, disappointment, dreams are crushed, bad luck, imbalance

The Moon Upright: Deception, trickery, disillusionment, error, danger, disgrace, double-dealing

Reverse: Deception is discovered before damage can be done, trifling mistakes, taking advantage of someone

The Sun Upright: Satisfaction, accomplishment, success, love, joy, engagement or a happy marriage

Reverse: Unhappiness, loneliness, canceled plans, broken engagement or marriage, a clouded future, a lack of friends




Upright: Awakening, renewal, a well lived life, better health, a quickened mind

Reverse: Fear of death, failure, possible loss, ill health


Upright: Atonement, judgment, the need to forgive, rejuvenation, rebirth, improvement, development, promotion, efforts are rewarded

Reverse: Delay, disappointment, indecision, procrastination, theft, worry

The World Upright: Completion, perfection, recognition, honors, the end result, success, fulfillment, triumph, eternal life

Reverse: Imperfection, lack of vision, disappointment

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